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Open a Branch in Jordan

Open a Branch in Jordan

The Company Law in Jordan provides that foreign companies can set up branch offices in the country, if they can prove that such an opening is needed for the execution of a contract with a local customer and if the branch office will not effectuate activities or commercial operations in the industries which are restricted for foreign ownership. In this article, our company formation agents in Jordan explain different aspects related to setting up a branch in Jordan.

Documents needed to register a branch in Jordan

An application for the registration of a branch in Jordan has to be submitted with the Controller of Companies, together with the necessary documents and statements, translated into Arabic and notarized by a public notary in the country, which consist of:

  • A copy of the Articles and Memorandum of Association of the entity or any other document which attests how the company was formed and a statement explaining how it was set up;
  • Official documents which prove that the business entity obtained all the required approvals from the relevant authorities in Jordan to activate and invest foreign capital in the country, according to the specific regulations;
  • A list of the names of the members of the business entity board of directors or managers, the nationality of every member and a list of the authorized persons who can sign on behalf of the business;
  • A copy of the power of attorney in which the business authorizes an individual who resides in the country to manage its operations on the local market and who can receive notifications on its behalf;
  • Other documents: our company registration advisors in Jordan can further explain what these other documents consist of. We also offer assistance in starting a business in Jordan.

Further details on the branch office in Jordan

The branch in Jordan has to appoint a resident representative and it has to submit the audited financial statements with the Companies Registrar, which have to be previously published in two daily local newspapers.

Incorporating a branch in Jordan is a complex procedure, since the business has to prove that establishing such an entity is necessary in order to conclude a contract in the country, as well as other provisions. Our consultants can help foreign entrepreneurs open such a company in Jordan.

In case you need to know more about the setup of a branch in Jordan, we kindly invite you to contact our friendly company formation representatives in Jordan.